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Adaptive Computer Labs

O’Neill Center 

Computer hardware and software can be modified to simplify computer access for persons with disabilities. The O’Neill Center’s Adaptive Technology Specialist provides assessment and training on the use of specialized technology. The lab has Windows computers with a variety of adaptive measures, including:

  • computers with speech output
  • print enlargement reading system (CCTV)
  • text-to-speech scanner (OCR)
  • Kurzweil 3000 reading, writing and learning software
  • Reading pen
  • 22-inch computer monitors
  • trackball and ergonomic mice
  • on-screen magnification software
  • Dragon Naturally Speaking speech recognition software
  • crank adjustable computer tables
  • keyboard software to minimize keystrokes
  • alternative input devices
  • digital playback devices and software
  • calculators with speech output

Instructional Support Technician
Kathleen M. Fulginiti
Phone: 774-330-4533
Office: Maureen M. Wilkens Hall, Room 222

Academic Computer Labs

At least one accessible, fully equipped computer station is available in each computer lab and classroom. These accessible stations have a 19” monitor, a trackball and a mouse, and a height adjustable table. Additional adaptive technology will be moved into computer classrooms on an as needed basis.

Library (Instructional Media Services)

  • digital recorders
  • hand-held spell checkers
  • hand-held spell checkers with speech output
  • medical dictionary spell checkers
  • calculators with speech output
  • print enlargement reading system (CCTV)
  • assistive listening devices - a variety of portable electronic devices are available to assist hearing impaired students in group, classroom, and lecture situations. A permanent assistive listening system is installed in the Tilden Arts Center main theater.

Telecommunication Devices for the Deaf or Speech Impaired (TTY) used in conjunction with a telephone to enable the user to communicate over the telephone by typing messages directly to another TTY user or a hearing person using a relay service.

Telephone Relay Service: 1-800-439-0183 Incoming calls: (508) 375-4027


Contact Us

O'Neill Center for Student Access and Support

Location: Maureen M. Wilkens Hall, Room 222

Hours: Monday–Friday: 8:30am–4:30pm (later times by appointment)

Phone: 774.330.4337
